Preetham Granites is a largest Manufacture and Suppliers of Granite Slabs, Table Top, Kitchen Top, 3D Flooring’s and Wall Cladding.

Preetham Granites is a Leading and Certified Granite Manufactured, Suppliers and exporters that deals in the selling of High quality slabs in custom and standard sizes.

The granite plant is a 100% export oriented unit and exports all of its production to many countries including U.S.A., Australia, Sri Lanka, Maldives,  and U.K..

We can Supply all colors of Granite, Quartz and 3D Floorings,

and also supply all types of finishes in Granite.

We’ll assist you every step of the way in adding natural beauty to your life. We will assist and supply in 3D design flooring and Border designs.

We assure of quality & Services with right product Guidance.
